Lungwort (Pulmonaria gen.) is a perennial plant which grows throughout Europe and Western Asia. It has beautiful small reddish and light purple flowers and is one of the first herbs to flower in April. Leaves of this medicinal herb have been used for centuries as an ingredient of many folk remedies: in particular, this herb helped the Europeans to combat one of the worst natural disasters in our history, the pandemics known as the Black Death.Lungwort is the most commonly used in the form of lungwort infusion, or lungwort tea.

Lungwort tea is rich in flavonoids, tannins, saponines, vitamin C and other useful compounds and nutrients. Health benefits of lungwort tea embrace anti-inflammatory, expectorant, demulcent, slightly diuretic, astringent and other properties of this medicinal herb. It is very easy to prepare lungwort tea: take 1 teaspoon of dried lungwort leaves, add 150 ml of boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes. Then, strain, add some honey or lemon juice and enjoy your herbal tea!

Lungwort tea benefits primarily include its therapeutic effects on respiratory system. It is one of the best herbal remedies to relieve the most common symptoms of flu and colds, including whooping coughs, sore throat, chest pains and many more. It is recommended to everyone who suffers from asthma, bronchitis, lung bleeding and swellings, pneumonia, tuberculosis, catarrhal problems and other health conditions. To maximize the effects when trying to combat the symptoms of common cold or lung problems, you can use lungwort tea in conjunction with lobelia, licorice, coltsfoot or white horehound.

lungwort tea benefitsHealth benefits of lungwort tea also include excellent anti-inflammatory properties of this herbal remedy, therefore, this infusion can be used to treat a great number of skin infections, as well as wounds, cuts, swellings, eczema, burns and many other types of skin damage. It is an old natural remedy to treat various kidney problems, along with haemorrhoid, diarrhea and other common gastrointestinal problems.

Astringent and other lungwort tea benefits are very soft and gentle, and using this natural remedy is not linked to unwanted side effects or allergic reactions. Therefore, this infusion can be safely given to children. Drinking lungwort tea 2-3 times a day or using other herbal remedies consisting this medicinal herb can help prevent and treat the above mentioned symptoms of common cold and influenza in children. To combat infections in adults, lungwort can be used in the form of lungwort tincture. It is especially effective for various respiratory and urinary infections.